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This operation is performed in manual mode and takes from 5 to 30 minutes during working time look at biitcoins status. For applications up to 0. Please be patient! Payment from ATMs, terminals and bank cards is strictly prohibited. Funds will be irretrievably lost.
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This operation is performed in manual mode and takes from 5 to 30 minutes during working time look at operator status. For applications up to 0. Please buy bitcoins qiwi patient! Payment from ATMs, terminals and bank cards is strictly prohibited. Funds will be irretrievably lost. If you are a user of cryptocurrency and are wondering how to buy Bitcoin for Qiwi under favorable conditions and without unwanted commissions, then you can use the Qiwi to Bitcoin exchanger for these purposes.
Consider in step-by-step instructions, what you need to do:. In order to start making exchange between currencies, you must first indicate them on the main page of the resource. After that you can familiarize yourself with the exchange rate between them and with the available reserve for exchange. Prior to the creation of an application for an exchange, the exchange rate is updated every minute. In order to know the amount of Bitcoin that will go to your wallet upon completion of the exchange transaction, the user must specify the amount of the ruble that will be sent for exchange purposes in the appropriate cell.
Bitcoin calculator at the current rate will calculate the amount of coins to receive. Calculating the amount of exchange must adhere to the established limits. At the same stage, the user must fill in all required fields with information. Specify the contact details, payment details and check them for errors, which could lead to an increase in the processing time of the exchange. When the data is filled, you can create an exchange request and then for 30 minutes the rate will be fixed for making the payment.
In order for the exchange to be considered paid, the user needs to withdraw funds from his Kiwi wallet to the address of the exchange office. You can also use payment tips on the exchange page. Next, the user must mark the request as paid and expect the payment of funds. In order to complete the exchange, the operator will have to check your application, the availability of payment for it and then transfer Bitcoin to the address you specified.
Please note that the rate of receipt of the coin will depend on the network load. After making the payment you will receive a notification in the mail about the completion of the exchange.
Next time, you can use the reverse exchange and sell Bitcoin in exchange for the ruble wallet Qiwi. Free copying and distribution of materials from the site Satoshi. To use bonus:. Personal data. Do not remember entered data. CHoose exchange direction 2. Specify the details and the amount of exchange 3. Specify contact details 4.
Check requisites 5. Pay for buy bitcoins qiwi order. Sign up. Forgot password? Mobile version. Mo — Fr. I consent to processing of my personal data and accept the terms and conditions of the User Agreement.
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