The Gemini crypto exchange currently employs 51 people and is currently the 39 th largest exchange in the world according to hour volume quoted on Coinmarketcap. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Before you click Buy and confirm your purchase, you can see the exact fee that will be charged and the total amount of USD, BTC or ETH that will be taken from your account to complete the transaction.
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A couple months ago, Harsh recommended I sign up for Gemini. I took his advice and decided to go through the process. Gemini is a new Bitcoin trading platform started by the Winklevoss twins the people who accused Mark Zuckerberg of stealing their idea of Facebook. They started this platform in the middle ofand are desperately trying to become the most active and reputable Bitcoin exchange on the market. This cryptic website does not look very friendly in any way. It conjures up images of outer space and the Gemini space program leaving me with a feeling of entering the deep, dark unknown.
We understand that buying bitcoins can be extremely confusing and frustrating. Luckily for you, this site has ample information to help make buying bitcoins easier for you. Below, we listed exchanges you can use to purchase BTC. We suggest our listed exchanges and doing your own research before making your final decision. Certain exchanges are simply there to steal your personal information or rob you of your bitcoins.
A couple months ago, Harsh recommended I sign up for Gemini. I took his advice and decided to go through the process. Gemini is a new Bitcoin hemini platform started by the Winklevoss twins the people who accused Mark Zuckerberg of stealing their idea of Facebook.
They started this platform in the middle ofand are desperately trying to become the most active and reputable Bitcoin exchange on the market. This cryptic website does not look very friendly in any way. It conjures up images of outer space and the Gemini space program leaving me with a feeling of entering the deep, dark unknown.
First, notice on the top left of this screenshot how the words are overlapping. Update: This has since been fixed. Now, my situation is unique.
I am living in a place that does not get mail service. I have a P. Box as my mailing address. I am not paying utilities. I can not use a bank statement to verify my physical address because the bank only has my mailing address.
So I emailed customer support. I said I can show them a voided check from my bank, but aside from that, I was unable to buj my address. The agent was curt, unhelpful, and a little rude. They were, however, rather quick.
I got to the DMV and a customer service agent there very graciously and helpfully walked me through everything that could be. What a great idea! Well, that worked. So now I went to back to email Gemini with my bank statement. Note: At the time of writing, Gemini has updated their verification process to include bank statements. When I was doing this, Gemini would not allow bank statements as proof of verification.
I had to plead with this anonymous Gemini support person to let them accept it. For a company that requires you to prove your identity to the extent that Gemini does, they sure do like hiding any shred of their own humanity. For l, why is there no mention of who is running the platform? Why did I have to prove myself worthy to someone hiding behind an anonymous Gemini support. Why bitcoiin I have to prove myself worthy to someone hiding behind an anonymous Gemini support email address?
The lack of accountability and the unintuitive platform make me want to stay far away from ever engaging with Gemini. It would be nice if gemimi as consumers got together and demanded some transparency and respect gdmini our online services.
It took bitcoinn a while to be comfortable enough giving them my bank account info, but after doing so, it turned out to be OK, and I have only had good interactions with. However, I am still bothered by their arrogance and secrecy. But I want to hear from you. What have been your experiences with Gemini? Have you traded with them before? Did you have trouble signing up and getting verified?
Share your thoughts in the comments. If you would like to contribute a guest post, kindly see our guest submission guidelines. I did set up the banking at the same time. I signed up on the 19th and was approved on 21st.
Funded and traded pretty quickly. So far so good. The fees and pricing were much better than coinbase. Danced with them for over three months. Sent digital images of requested ID four times in that time period. Every time there was something wrong with the images. Maybe they need to get their vision checked. At one point they mentioned a passport in a reply.
I asked if a DNA sample might help resolve their problems. Got fed up and deleted the my data from their site. I would rather go to the dentist and get a root canal done than ever have to deal with them. I also have this problem. Apparently nothing I can do to prove my identity will satisfy Gemini. I am forced to stay with GDAX. That seems to be a common complaint. They were easy with me. Within 24 Hrs I was in. I used my U Passport since it was already in my Mac.
I am MORE curious as to what is the best method to use for gaining some extra. Where is the best place to educate a newbie? Thanks for your input and sincerity Eric! I had a wire transfer in limbo for vuy weeks. Terrible customer service. What is the next best option to purchase bitcoin? Oh that sucks. Yeah, sometimes these services take a long time to kick in.
I just signed up, took 5 min. I still have a few qualms with their service, and try to use other exchanges when I. I have noticed that their support is not the best. The bank verification for ACH electronic transfers is often a bit of an issue with even regular brokerage firms.
So I always start with just sending a wire to fund the account. Wires are preferred by recipients anyway because very difficult to play games and when the money arrives it is locked in.
Having said that, the wire process with Gemini is a little tricky because they send you a code to be included in the wire instructions from your bank. After changing my number user Authy to generate security numbers, someone managed to get into my acount and sell my ethereum.
I contacted gemini the next day and i have not heard from. No receipt of a message being sent to support. I thought that was strange but contacted them. Contacted them multiple times and neither time i get a mucu response its like the answer is generated by a digital algorithm put in place for common questions. Be aware they dont guarantee for your money, and if you invest like I did you may never get your money. Only invest what you afford to potentially loose.
By the looks of things someone had placed a scaraper or used their logon on screen to intercept my data being entered as well as to intercept the dynamic id I receive on my cell phone. Had there been a telephone number handy I could have stopped before transactions went. Emailed and explained what happened and I was told it was my responsibility to keep my logon info secure and they recommended I change my password.
Buj and Upward! This is very disturbing and sounds like a trend in the last month as this happened to me as. How much bitcoin can i buy at gemini feels like either a large security issue or I hate to even consider some form of inside job.
Signing up was ok but having them tell me my deposit have to be how much bitcoin can i buy at gemini for 4 to 5 days and I can not do any trading is a bit much and ridiculous no number to reach anyone and response to email are the. What is with all the whining? The challenges posed by Gemini should give you confidence rather than irritate you. I seriously researched all major exchanges. These guys are taking security and professionalism seriously.
Of course they will hold your deposit for a few days! Try depositing a check at your bank from Uncle Bill who banks in another state and see what happens. J I do hold them responsible for is NOT holding transfers out at all, allowing compromised accounts to transfer out money within seconds.
I find it very interesting that money in takes days, and money out to czn BTC network takes no time at all and is subject to major abuse. Agree fully. Allowing quick withdrawals especially after any change in profile info is an insane ah and, in fact, makes the exchange look complicit.
But I will never understand an investor not immediately moving newly purchased holdings to a hardware or paper wallet… rather than leaving coins on the exchange or using a vulnerable phone-based software wallet.
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Gemini also has a pretty straightforward sign-up process and an easy-to-use trading interface that any beginner can get the hang of. You will also know how to register and verify an account at the Gemini crypto exchange. We believe that crypto investors deserve the same protections as investors in other asset classes, so we’ve built a rules-based marketplace with security at its core. However, wire transfers may be subject to fees from the bank that the money is sent. There is a hold on the funds when it comes to withdrawal. It is different from an external wallet, which is a more secure place to store your cryptocurrency. Learn more about the program. After 4—5 business days, the deposit will fully settle and you can withdraw those funds from your account. Success, you have subscribed successfully! Our Mission. Tweet This. You should also know how to fully register for a personal account with them, so you can make your first Bitcoin or Ether purchase. There are six tiers of fees. Gemini is also ideal for users who want to make lots of trades daily. See how Gemini is bringing trust to cryptocurrency.
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