You can evaluate the potential profitability and risk of your positions and stress test your entire portfolio. After all, while stocks and other investments can go up, they can also go down. Analyze profit and risk Scan multi-touch charts Live news and insights Support. Best with Fake Money: TradeHero. The thinkorswim Mobile App lets you trade with the power of thinkorswim in the palm of your hand. Your Money. Best for Learning: Stash.
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We require you to use only real personal data. If your account has already been verified, you can’t change your home address or other information by. If you haven’t verified your account yet or you haven’t finished the verification process, please understand that we need your personal data in order to provide fast withdrawals and ensure the security of my trading account app funds. Contact Support if the data that you have already given us is incorrect. If you want to hide your real name from other traders, you can generate a random name in your personal settings.
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View more search results. This is why our apps provide a user friendly and secure platform for you to access thousands of markets — including stocks, forex and indices. Our trading apps enable you to trade CFDs , which provide multiple benefits to traders:. Track market trends and trade direct from free, user-friendly charts. A wide range of technical indicators, including our annotation tool, are available to help you analyse markets. Create instant buy and sell price alerts for any market, and receive notifications immediately by email, SMS or push notification. All the features you need to trade are available on our apps: so you can manage and monitor all your open positions, open and close new trades or manage your risk.
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We require you to use only real personal data. If your account has already been verified, you can’t change your home address or other information by. If you haven’t verified your account yet or you haven’t finished the verification process, please understand that we need your personal data in order to provide fast withdrawals and ensure the security of your funds.
Contact Support if the data that you have already given us is incorrect. If you want to hide your real name from other traders, you can generate a random name in your personal settings. To change your address, send tgading email to docs iqoption.
It may seem complicated, but this process ensures the security of your own assets. After you have sent the email with the request, please notify us via Live Chat. If your account has already been verified, you can’t change your phone number or other information by. To change your phone number, send email to docs iqoption. If your account wccount already been verified, you can’t change your last name, first name, or other existing information.
See the example of a valid ID or passport. Make sure that the card is signed. See the example of the card image.
The email should be sent from the address that is linked to your account. Please wait for a while before trying to log in. If you are not sure whether your password is correct, use the «forgot password» option on our login page. The system will send instructions on how to restore your password to the ,y address that you used for registration on the platform.
You can create a password by using the «forgot password» option on our login page. You need to provide the email that is linked to your social network account. The recovery link for a password will tradinb sent to that email. After this is done, you will tradinb able to log into your desktop app using this email and new password.
The system will send instructions for restoring your password to the email address that you used for my trading account app on the platform. The account currency is set during the very first attempt to make a deposit. For example, if you used US my trading account app to make your first deposit, the currency of your account will be USD.
Your first deposit plays a vital role because once you have made the deposit, it will not be possible to change the currency. If you were unaware of this rule, then the only option is to open a new account and deposit with the currency you intend to use. Remember that once you create a new account, you must block the previous account after withdrawing your funds. Help We will quickly and efficiently respond to your questions.
What would you like to know? Sign in to get extra help from our team. Sign In. Account Back. How can I change my email? How can I close my account?
How do I change my home address? How ym I unsubscribe from emails? I forgot my password. What should I do? Inactivity fee. Do you have fees? How do I change my phone number? How can I secure my account? How can I change the time zone of my account? How can I log out of my account? How do I change the name in my personal information? What should I do if I can’t log into my account?
How can I hide my real name? How can I change the currency of my account? How can I take part in public chats? How do I check the session history of my account? Your email address is required for signing in to the platform, but you can change it in your profile at any time. To do this, click the profile icon in the upper-right corner and go to the Personal Data section. On the page that opens, go to the Settings tab.
Traring the very top, you will see a box where you can set a new email address. Go to the email address acciunt. Some traders get too involved in trading and aren’t able to stop, which leads them to make reckless investments over and over. Acccount you need to take a break and stop trading for a while, you can close your account in the settings in your profile.
The «Close Account» button is at the very bottom of the page. Please note: After you close the account, you can’t open your profile or trade on the platform. Go to settings. Every email message has an Unsubscribe link at the.
It only takes one click to stop getting our emails. You can also set this in your profile. On the page that opens, go to the E-mail settings tab, where you can choose which types of notifications you want to receive from us. Go to the e-mail settings. When you sign in to the site or app, you can click the «Forgot your password?
You will get an email message with a link for setting a new password. As per our Terms and Conditions item 7. To secure your account, use 2-step authentication. Each time you log in to the platform, the system will require you to enter a special code sent to your phone number. You can activate the option in the Settings. To change the time zone, go to the traderoom and click the gear icon in the bottom right corner of the page.
Choose the zpp time zone. To log out of your account, go to the main page and scroll down the page. Click the Log Out button and you will be logged. These documents are: 1 A photo of your ID national passport or driving license. See the example of a valid ID or passport 2 If you made a deposit accoutn a bank card or cards, if you use more than one to depositsend images of both sides hide the CVV number and expose only the first 6 and last 4 digits of your card number.
If you don’t want your name to be visible in chats and tournaments, you can generate a random name in your profile. On the page that opens, open the Settings tab and scroll down to the «Public Profile Settings» section.
Here you can generate a name to use, and no one will see your real. Go to the name settings. Information about the use of your account is given in your Profile. There you will find the details of the last activity on your account. Found no answer? Sign in to ask for support. You are granted limited non-exclusive non-transferable rights to use the IP provided on this website for personal and non-commercial purposes in relation to the services offered on the Website .
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Awards speak louder than words 1 for broker innovation StockBrokers. The thinkorswim Mobile App lets you trade with the power of thinkorswim in the palm of your hand. You can evaluate the potential profitability and risk of your positions and stress test your entire portfolio. Not only is Stash a trading and investment appit is an app filled with articles and tips to help you level up your investment knowledge each time you access your account. You can invest in a portion of a share instead with traeing much lower minimum investment.
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