The check-in date is out of the permited range. Children ages? From Please, input a origin city. When I started thinking about paying for air travel with cryptocurrency, one of my first questions was how a carrier could combine two very complicated and very dynamic pricing models. One way Return flight. Richard Kerr. Tbilisi — New York.
However, is it the better option? Subscribe to the BitPinas mailing list. In the past couple of weeks, we at BitPinas have been highlighting the many ways you can use your cryptocurrency as payments, whether for mobile load, government contributions, and travel. At the moment, we found a way to pay Traveloka using bitcoin. All of these are made possible through Coins. Speaking buy airline tickets bitcoin traveling, can we pay for bktcoin tickets using bitcoin?
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Wondering if anyone has salient advice except to not do it. A forum search here turned up nothing. Am seeking «how to» advice. I understand and subscribe to the dogma of booking direct with the airline when at all possible. And I realize that using bitcoin will involve an intermediary, thereby making it de facto less safe.
Price Arbitrage
Wondering if anyone has salient advice except to not do it. A forum search here turned up. Am seeking «how to» advice. I understand and subscribe to the dogma of booking direct with the airline when at all possible. And I realize that using bitcoin will involve an intermediary, thereby making it de facto less safe. I would rather not get into a heated discussion of the merits of bitcoin per se, since I already have a few that I vitcoin like to use while they are worth more than the amount I initially paid.
Internet searching turned bitcoun www. I try to avoid OTA’s on general principle, even the big ones. Furthermore, I have determined that this company is based in Estonia and Lithuania, which is far from ideal in terms of having any recourse if things didn’t go. And, to make matters worse, I’m unable to find much ajrline the way of actual user reviews. So, being aware of the perils of going any further along the bitcoin road, I’m still wondering if anyone has relevant experience.
If so, thanks in advance. If not, I will just consider this kind of «thinking out loud. The general advice is to avoid OTAs more so with debit cards and I would now add Bitcoins to that list.
I wouldn’t buy from anyone I have never heard of, and certainly not from anyone who accepts bitcoin instead of a credit card as payment.
Wouldn’t it be easier to sell the bitcoins and book directly with the airlines? Thanks for the input.
I realized before even asking that it was probably a bad idea; but now I’m sure of it. LOT and Air Baltic started accepting payment by bitcoin inbut a quick check on their websites didn’t give bitcoin as a payment option now, so they might have discontinued the practice. Our staff may also remove posts that do not follow our posting guidelines, and we reserve the right to remove any post for bitcoon reason. Thanks for being a part of the TripAdvisor travel community!
It’s going to be hard to use directly with an airline as most — not all, but most — use the services of Airline Reporting Corporation, or ARC, which is the de-facto industry wide payment processing and clearinghouse for airline ticket purchase payments.
I think you’ll need to convert them into a traditional currency — then buy My feeble memory is telling me that there was a similar thread, within the last 4 mos. Flights Vacation Rentals Restaurants Things to. Profile JOIN. Log in to get trip updates and message other travelers. Buying a plane ticket with bitcoin.
Watch this Topic. Browse forums All Browse by destination. Bitcoim Travel forums. All forums. Level Contributor. Report inappropriate content. Re: Buying a plane ticket with bitcoin. Destination Expert for Trondheim. Ask a question. Virgin Atlantic Economy am Which are the most reliable hotel booking sites? See All Air Travel Conversations. Top questions about Air Travel. What’s with these screwy ticket prices? Englandsscout 6, forum posts. GeoMedic 10, forum posts.
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TripAdvisor LLC is not responsible for content on external web sites. Taxes, fees buy airline tickets bitcoin included for deals content. About Us Help Center. United States.
Bitcoin (BTC) — how to book flights & pay with bitcoins
Caracas — Buenos Aires. Simply change the currency in the top-right corner to Bitcoin. Search may take a little bit longer than usual. They also added that while cryptocurrency continues to gain legitimacy, they should still be seen as risky place to park your money and treated akin to a trip to the Vegas craps tables. From Please, input a origin city. Bangkok — London. Flights class No preference Economy Business class First class. You can buy airline tickets bitcoin pay for air, hotel and car rentals with Bitcoin on the site. Advertiser Disclosure. This European site definitely has an alternative feel to it, but had competitive prices for the routes I searched. Caracas — Quito.
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