Bitcoin will flop eventually. Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and insider stories by TNW. In theory, cryptocurrencies can now be used to buy real estate, clothes, airplane tickets, pay for the services of lawyers and sometimes even to pay for a cup of coffee or buy products in a supermarket. A little volatility can go a long way. Does this make Bitcoin useless?
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Whether it was buying a cup of coffee for the next person in line or simply smiling at a stranger, the pay it forward principle is all about one thing: kindness. Instead, go buy a cup of coffee for the cotfee guy on the corner, and spend a few wlth getting to ucp him on a more personal level. BCH advocates wanted both a store of value and a medium of exchange, a currency capable of holding its value and more Or that once it strikes, it will quickly reduce even the largest retirement can i buy a cup of coffee with bitcoin eggs that took decades to build into worthless paper that won’t buy a cup of coffee. With low fees and fast transaction speeds, day to day commerce like buying a cup of coffee from your local crypto friendly barista is a breeze. I used to line up with the teachers in the school cafeteria after morning practice and buy a cup of coffee every day before the first bell. It simply takes too much time to get ii the long lines at each Starbucks to buy a cup of coffeeand there are only so many locations that can be opened to alleviate this problem.
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As Bitcoin’ consolidates after a bullish swing what better time to do a little fundamentals on the space as a whole. It starts with a cup of coffee’ and the understanding of how payments are processed. But first lets take a look at the chart. Yesterday we posted that we were looking for a Friday close above This would show that there is still some underlying momentum left, and we can look for a further impulse move toward our target levels.
Take, for example, Bitcoin
As Bitcoin’ consolidates after a bullish swing what better time to do a little fundamentals on the space as a. It starts with a cup of coffee’ and the understanding of how payments are processed. But first lets take a look at the chart. Yesterday we posted that we were looking for a Friday close above This would show that there is still some underlying momentum left, and we cofee look for a further impulse move toward our target levels.
After finding can i buy a cup of coffee with bitcoin at Bitcoin’ was able to close above forming a pinbar. We are seeing continued consolidation around the level which, as we mentioned on S. IF Bitcoin’ can hold the level by the end of day, it is very likely we see a final impulse move up and into the area. The low to mid 7k range has been our target for weeks now, and in hindsight closing our position trade at was a little early.
These are very difficult areas to trade out of and like poker, when your ahead sometimes you take what is simply on the table and do not let the others see a turn or river card. We choose to close out position early as we believe it is likely we get another opportune to buy lower.
We still have an open position which provides some exposure with the goal to trade around this position reducing the average cost for the longer term. Simply we are looking at this point for opportunities to add long term.
So what about that cup of u Many of you may be to young to remember when online e-commerce evolved in the late 90’s early ‘s. At first many of us were skeptical about buying stuff online and it took years for it to become mainstream. In less than 0. I remember myself thinking «who would want to buy online when the store is so much more convenient? It starts with a cup of coffee’. There was a comment on my last article where someone believed Bitcoin’ was going to zero because he couldn’t buy a cup of coffee’ with Bitcoin’.
This is no different then in thinking eCommerce was a dumb idea because you couldn’t buy your coffee’ online. At wit time you couldn’t. Yet merchants found they could sell more coffee’ buy selling online and now I can buy any type of coffee’ I want online and have it delivered next day. Unthinkable 20 years ago.
The key word here is merchants. As an owner of a restaurant, we take credit cards. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you are ot 60k a month in credit cards that equates to 2k of your profits just to do transactions.
This is 24k a year. Yes we are actually beta testing a new crypto payment platform for our restaurant. Many companies like Subway are already taking cryptocurrencies for this exact reason.
Starbucks’ will soon be taking Bitcoin’ as well, and others will follow. See cryptocurrencies is not just bictoin fad, it is disrupting the financial’ institutions’ bitcoi have held merchants at bay, by scalping money off of every sale they. You have processing fees, points fees, bank fees, and the transaction fee w. All these middle men take profits away from businesses. Why do you really think Jamie Dimon Chase’ card really hates cryptos?
This is not going to happen over the next 3 months, or 1 year, but it will happen. Once the growth starts, like eCommerce, it will be unstoppable.
These same banks have been profiting from conversion of one currency to. Do you think there is a reason why every country in Europe still has a native currency and the Euro’? Banks make money when you convert and a lot of it. Buy something in the U. Convert at the airport or bank before you leave, and you will pay a premium over the current market conversion rate. Bank of America is currently converting at 1. Fiat only has value because two parties agree to the value in trade and barter.
Nothing more nothing. I am not stating that all fiats are worthless or they will go to zero, but their intrinsic value approaches zero over time. Remember in the cost of a BigMac was 50 cents, gas 35 cents, a new home 26k. Were you better off holding fiat or gold? Bitcoin’ and cryptos are changing the way we transact, no different then the internet changed the way we buy goods and services.
Whether Bitcoin’ becomes the gold’ of cryptos only the future beholds, but looking at crypto funds and their allocation to bitcoin’ puts the odds in favor that it does. As merchants realize the fee savings by taking cryptos, and customers realize the savings in conversion fees, the market will grow.
Butcoin different then when we finally realized we could buy coffee’ online cheaper than the store and it was more convenient. Today who doesn’t? This is how cryptos have the potential to change the way we trade, barter, and transact.
Because there is a loser, namely the banks, who have controlled van money for so long, they are fighting every step of the way. Yet demand will increase and crypto’s like Bitcoin’ will change the financial space forever. Just because your coffee’ shop does not take cryptos now, and thinking this can i buy a cup of coffee with bitcoin bitcoin’ is worth. Just ask yourself, did your coffee’ shop have a website, app, or take apple’ pay’ 10 — 15 years ago?
Were you that guy in that thought, ohhh pay’ wallets on your phone are stupid because I can’t pay for my cup of coffee’ with it. Now Applepay’ is accepted in many places. It took time to adapt, so to think cryptos won’t is ignorance at best. So enjoy that cup of coffee’ this morning and think how did you pay for it. Credit card, apple’ pay, cash? Maybe I’m showing my age, but I still remember the rotary phone, and having to be cffee before the street lights came on.
I’ve seen many spaces evolve and missed opportunities. I’m not missing this one! Many banks will become the Sears’ and K-Marts of retail. Look at bank stocks, do you think there is a reason they are so cheap? Aug Sep Keep in mind swing trades have triggers, targets and stops, position trades have buy with no stop or target.
This was mentioned in my previous trading view article. The crash was easy to detect 3 days. All evidence here — USD direct trades had been the key.
Very easy to predict. Squeeze on the way! As far as cup of coffee Zerohedge had an article about this exact issue some time ago. It is oversimplified, it is non-issue actually.
People who think along those lines about BTC are not really understanding Bitcoin conceptually that is less of a currency and more of and investment vehicle. The survival of Bitcoin does not depend on coffde being used to buy a cup of coffee. When cofdee governments lose control of their paper money like it is happening in Turkey, Brazil, Venezuela and this list will of course continue shortly.
Businesses will nee to start issuing their coins to insure not being robbed by what is knows as inflation tax. Ah I chp goldbug is back to his usual shilling :.
MrRenev goldbug1. I think the 6 months of boredom are soon. I «FUD» and people tell me I personally hate crypto no big deal, you can «shill» it. I thing Bitcoin has no future there are so many reasons, the costs, the infinite database that would grow to billions of terabytes faster than we can even download it, the whole concept. This: «the net cost of a Bitcoin transaction is far more than a credit card transaction.
A totally useless and thus not-used means of payments. There are plenty of electonic forms of payment, cryptos included, I do not see why Bitcoin would be the winner when it is the worse of the lot. But it can be used, we all know what its main use case is. Trading : Oh and it is pretty good as a ponzi.
MrRenevDo we use gold or silver for payments? Hardly a huge industrial demand. Gold is mainly used as a store of wealth or in jewelry’s case to flaunt it! Sometimes as a currency? LMAO Gold cn a «very bad store of value». Your kidding right!
Before posting something you may want to actually look at a chart and not go by «rumor» or what you «heard from your neighbor».
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He sought out my advice regarding which turbine-powered helicopter to buy for family weekend trips. Alex Stargame Follow. This meme is more of a thin veneer on top of a much bigger goal for cryptocurrency: mass adoption. Why is everyone so keen on buying coffee with cryptocurrency? T-Bills have an underlying store of value, the full faith and credit of the US Government, and so an almost zero risk rate of default. When Bitcoin was new and cheap! Powered by.
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